23.01.18 10:45:03
[국제관계연구소] 세미나 개최 안내 "중국의 민족융합 교육정책이 티베트족 청소년의 국가 정체성에 미친 영향"

안녕하십니까? 국제관계연구소입니다.

30(월요일) 11시에 국제관계연구소 세미나가 정석학술정보관 대회의실에서 개최됩니다

발표자와 발표 논문은 아래 소개와 같습니다
많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다

발표자: 박룡 교수 (난징대학교
일시: 1 30(월요일
) 11:00-12:00
장소: 정석학술정보관 대회의실

제목: 중국의 민족융합 교육정책이 티베트족 청소년의 국가 정체성에 미친 영향

How Does Integrated Ethnic Education Policy Affect Tibetan Students’ Chinese National Identity?


As second-generation ethnic minority policy, political propaganda and integrated education policy of co-school and co-class between Han and ethnic minority students has been implemented to balance ethnic cultural diversity, ethnic unity, and integration. Based on survey data of 1757 students from two types of high schools in Tibetan areas, this study aims to study the impact of political news exposure and co-class education policy in Chinese-Tibetan co-schools on the national identity of Tibetan middle school students – a subject that has not attracted sufficient attention. The findings reveal that this ethnic integration policy significantly improved the national identity of students in Tibetan areas, particularly through exposure to political news and political education in schools.

저자 약력
Long Piao is an Assistant Professor at the School of Government, Nanjing University. His research topics encompass both economics and public policy, especially in the evolution of Chinese economy policy. Recent scholarly articles have appeared (inter alia) in the Journal of Asian and African Studies, Public Policy Review, Asian Survey, The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis and Korea Observer. He holds a BA in Public Policy from Peking University and a BA (double degree) in Economics from Waseda University and an MA in Public Policy from Seoul National University. Dr. Piao received his Ph.D. in Public Policy from Seoul National University in 2019. (Email:


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다음글 [국제관계연구소] 이진영 소장 출연, KBS <이슈 PICK 쌤과 함께: [설 기획] 120년 전의 디아스포라, 하와이로 간 사람들>
이전글 [국제관계연구소] Pacific Focus 2022년 12월호 발간