
Whats new k2web.board.list2
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56 Inha CIS held a joint roundtable with the DILA-KOREA   국제관계연... 2023-07-05 215 -
55 [2022-23 Inha CIS K-Academic, 7th Colloquium] "Sports Mega-Events and World Order Change: Implications for Korea"   국제관계연... 2023-06-13 212 -
54 Inha CIS held a joint conference with the SIRPA at the National University of Mongolia   국제관계연... 2023-06-08 202 -
53 [2022-23 Inha CIS K-Academic, 6th Colloquium] "Japan's Reluctance to Support the Declaration to End the Korean War”   국제관계연... 2023-06-08 187 -
52 [2022-23 Inha CIS K-Academic, 5th Colloquium] Research Trends of Korean Studies in the United Kingdom   안제인 2023-03-20 247 -
51 Inha K-Academic Diffusion Research Center – Center for Korean Studies University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Joint Academic Conference   국제관계연... 2023-03-14 250 -
50 [2022-23 Inha CIS K-Academic, 4th Colloquium] “Korean Studies in Germany – Regional Studies in the 21st Century”   국제관계연... 2022-12-22 270 -
49 Inha CIS held a joint academic conference with the Institute of Japan-US Studies of the Waseda University   국제관계연... 2022-12-22 305 -
48 Inha K-Academic Diffusion Research Center's 1st Street Survey   국제관계연... 2022-11-30 310 -
47 [2022-23 Inha CIS K-Academic, 3rd Colloquium] Korean Language School and Education for the Next Generation of Koreans in Modern Hawaii   국제관계연... 2022-11-09 398 -
46 [2022-23 Inha CIS K-Academic, 2nd Colloquium] Research Trends of Korean Studies in the United States   국제관계연... 2022-11-09 262 -
45 [2022-23 Inha CIS K-Academic, 1st Colloquium] Research Trends of Korean Studies in North America   국제관계연... 2022-11-09 290 -
44 Hosted an academic conference to commemorate the 30th anniversary of establishment of Korea-China relations   국제관계연... 2022-10-25 360 -
43 Participated in 2022 Korean Political Science Association Summer Academic Conference   국제관계연... 2022-09-21 329 -
42 2022 International Conference to seek a new direction for Korean Studies   국제관계연... 2022-07-01 400 -
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