20.04.29 13:44:03
Vol 34-3 (December 2019) : The Evolving Geopolitical Landscape in the PostArbitration South China Sea (Serafettin Yilmaz & Fu-Kuo Liu)


This research offers a policy analysis of the post-Arbitration geopolitics in the South China Sea (SCS). It aims, first, to lay out the particular internal and external factors that have led to noticeable changes in the Philippines and Vietnam’s SCS policies, and, second, to explore the implications of the ongoing shift in the regional politics for the East Asian strategic landscape. In this regard, two distinct tendencies with respect to geopolitical transformations are highlighted: while some actors are observed to put more emphasis on security and seek strategic diversi fication, others appear to put more emphasis on development and seek economic diversi fication.


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