24.05.03 11:32:37
Vol. 39-1 (April 2024) Overseas Koreans and New Governance Making in Korea (Jean Young Lee)


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the recent issues surrounding overseas Koreans in Korea and the governance construction efforts by the Korean government through laws and institutions to address them. With up to approximately 1 million overseas Koreans residing in Korea out of a total of 7.08 million, issues related to immigration to Korea are also pertinent. The burgeoning population of overseas Koreans and their demands not only affect the central government's policies but also impact local communities. This article aims to explore how the Korean society is legally and institutionally responding to the recent surge in the population of overseas Koreans within Korea. To achieve this goal, the article focuses on three aspects. First, it analyzes the increase in the population of overseas Koreans in Korean society over the past two decades along with the associated issues from the perspectives of immigration, ethnicity, overseas Koreans, laws and institutions, and central and local governments. Second, it examines the new laws, institutions, and the interrelationship between the government and overseas Koreans that have been developed to address the issues raised. Third, it evaluates the characteristics of the newly established governance of overseas Koreans and identifies any associated problems. Additionally, it discusses the implications of the Korean case compared with other countries' cases. In the era of globalization and increased human mobility, this article contributes to understanding Korean society's perspective on and policies toward the group of overseas Koreans in the context of laws and institutions.

첨부파일 첨부파일 (파일 명이 길 경우 브라우저 특성상 파일명이 잘릴 수 있습니다.)

Pacific Focus - 2024 - - Issue Information.pdf

다음글 Vol. 39-1 (April 2024) China's Motivation for Providing Medical Aid during COVID-19 (Yue Wu)
이전글 Vol. 39-1 (April 2024) Social Integration of Foreign Immigrants in South Korean Local Communities (Sangtu Ko)