22.02.03 10:07:11
Pacific Focus 2021년 겨울호 발간 (2021.12)
12월호 Volume 36, Issue 3
•First Strike hypersonic weapons: The end of the “MAD” doctrine and peace for our time?
- Wilson Kia Onn Wong(Chu Hai College of Higher Education)
•Selective Engagement of US Naval Power on Maritime Conflicts: The Guardian of the Freedom of Navigation
- Jonghwan Han(ROK Navy)
•Hybrid Challenges in PRC’s Novel Public Opinion Warfare
- Youngjune Chung(Tongji University)
•Why is the Silk Road Economic Belt not a New Strategy? A Three-factor Analysis in the Context of Central Asia
- Xiaopeng Chen(University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) / Qi Qin / Haifeng Mo
•The Determinants of States' Interactions with China in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Spatial Gravity Interaction
- Lina Liu(Tsinghua University) / Tianyang Song (China Foreign Affairs University)
•Targeted Sanctions with Chinese Characteristics and “Green Taishang”
- Hyunwook Cheng(University of Kang Ning)
•Sectoral Divergence of Industrial Catch-up in China’s Loosely Coupled System: A Comparative Study of FPD and IC Manufacturing Industries
- Sungho Rho(Sejong University) / Yongshin Kim(Inha University)
•Security Threats and Investment: North Korean Threats and the South Korean Stock Market
- Byunghwan Son (George Mason University) / Chungshik Moon(Chung-ang University)
다음글 Pacific Focus 2022년도 편집위원회 개최 (2022.1.19 )
이전글 2021 동계 학술세미나 개최 (21.12.15)