21.08.26 11:00:23
Vol. 36-1 (April 2021) India’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: A Pragmatic Balancing between the United States and China (Hongsong Liu and Ahmed Bux Jamali)

Despite having differing foreign policy objectives against the core IndoPacific fundamentals, Prime Minister Modi is constructing a robust, proactive, and influential role of India in the Indo-Pacific region without formally aligning with the United States or gesturing for any confrontational behavior against China. To unfold India’s Indo-Pacific positioning, this paper asks how India behaves between the United States and China in the Indo-Pacific. The authors argue that to address this, Modi’s IndoPacific strategy revolves around Pragmatic Balancing between the United States and China in the Indo-Pacific. The paper highlights Modi’s IndoPacific ambitions to explore this pragmatic balancing, keeping in view the US Indo-Pacific strategy. To deal with the United States on the geostrategic front, ensuring maximum strategic autonomy and building India’s maritime security order in the Indian Ocean region are Modi’s crucial policy outlooks. On the other hand, to deal with China on the geo-economics front, maintaining the maritime economy’s flow, thereby preventing any confrontational behavior with China on multilateralism, is the critical component of Modi’s Indo-Pacific strategy. The evaluation demonstrates Modi’s pragmatism by redefining India’s balancing behavior with the United States and China to achieve the desired foreign policy outcomes, before presenting the article’s final conclusion.

Key words: pragmatic balancing, Indo-Pacific Strategy, Narendra Modi, United States, China

첨부파일 첨부파일 (파일 명이 길 경우 브라우저 특성상 파일명이 잘릴 수 있습니다.)

Issue information(April 2021).pdf

다음글 Vol. 36-1 (April 2021) India’s RCEP Dilemma with China: Beyond the Legal Texts (Chao Wang and Legal Texts)
이전글 Vol 35-3 (December 2020):The Political Dynamics of Japan's Immigration Policies during the Abe Government*(Jiyeoun Song)