22.05.02 16:36:42
Vol. 37-1 (April 2022) The Reaction of Taiwan Civil Society Towards Cross‐Strait Integration During the Period from 2008 to 2016: Spillover or Politicization? (Lai Yun‐Chen)


This study explores the integration attempt between Taiwan and China during the period from 2008 to 2016, focusing on the perspective of Taiwan civil society, as both the initiation and the deadlock of the cross-strait integration during this period were primarily triggered by Taiwan. This research adopts functionalist theory, as the design of integration derived from neo-functionalism and the deadlock of integration would be better explained by politicization, which constitutes the emphasis of post-functionalism. The findings demonstrate that different extents of politicization made the fates of the two major integration attempts during that period (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement and Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement) dissimilar. It is further concluded that common identity is the key factor for cross-strait integration in the future.

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Issue Information(April 2022).pdf

k2web.next.record Vol. 37-1 (April 2022) Bolstering the Alliance for a Trilateralism‐Based Security Strategy for South Korea in Times of US–China Rivalry* (Nam Chang‐hee, Song Sang‐ho)
k2web.previous.record Vol. 37-1 (April 2022) Fear and Greed: Mapping the Australian Debate on China’s Economic Sanctions (Ye Xue)