21.11.05 15:06:25
[ISN][NOTICE]Field Trip

Hello! On behalf of I.S.N supporters, We are proud to announce that we'll go on a field trip.
Please check the details and apply for a field trip !

<How to Apply>
Visit to I.S.L (Sutdent building #504) (First come-first served)
Period : November 8th ~ 11th, 10:00 ~ 17:00 (12:00 ~13:00 Lunch break)
Payment : 5,000won in deposit (wiil be refund to you after field trip)

<Additional Information>
★Meeting plae : Infront of Inha University Student Building
★We use public transportation, So please take care of transportation fees or transportation cards.

★All programs are limited to eight people on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you're interested, please apply quickly.

1. East-Incheon
: (kakaotalk ID) mstgy (or) rnjsgksk123

2. Songdo
: https://open.kakao.com/o/g6Sx7pId

3. Wolmido
: (kakaotalk ID) zuvuilst (or) choiyuna03

  (insta) zuv_uilst_ (or) _yuna_01

4. Incheon Open Museum
: (Instagram ID) ss.guni_ (or) y_o514

5. Volleyball Game
: (kakaotalk ID) qudgnsv (or) sohnchaehee

+Instagram (@isn_Inha)


We are waiting to meet you guys in Field trip.

Thank you for your interest.

첨부파일 첨부파일이(가) 없습니다.
다음글 2021학년도 동계 해외지역연구 프로그램 참가자 선발 안내
이전글 「단계적 일상회복 전환」 세부사항 안내 / 「Gradual Return to Normal Life」 Guidelines