19.09.11 13:37:30
Is it mandatory to take a medical insurance?

Yes, it’s mandatory for all international students at Inha University to take a medical insurance.

All international students are required to obtain one of the insurance plans below;
  ① Inha University's Designated Insurance Plan (학교 지정 보험)
  ② National Health Insurance (국민 건강 보험)
  ③ Medical Insurance Plan available in Korea (국내 기타 보험 상품)
  ④ Medical Insurance Plan from a foreign country (국외 기타 보험 상품) : International Students who already took a medical insurance of their own country do not need to take a new one in Korea, if it can cover their illness and injury in Korea.

※ Students who have purchased another insurance policy other than Inha University's designated insurance plan must submit a photocopy of his/her insurance certificate to the International Student Lounge (ISL Rm No. 504 at the Student Union building) in the first week of each semester.