22.08.22 15:07:12
Vol. 37-2 (August 2022) Research on the Logical Evolution of Internationalization Strategy of Chinese Construction Enterprises Based on the Concept of Project Sharing (Zhifeng Shen, Meng Li, Yutao Li)


Under the initiative of “One Belt, One Road,” Chinese construction enterprises are facing problems such as project failures, budget overruns, and inadequate strategic positioning in the process of promoting their internationalization strategies in view of the increasingly tense situation of “Thucydides's Trap,” “America First,” and “Kindleberger Trap.” Chinese construction enterprises should adjust their international strategic logic to reconstruct the relationship between the internationalization strategy of the construction enterprises and the project sharing concept. This article analyzes the relationship between project sharing and the success of internationalization strategy of construction enterprises by elaborating on the connotation and concept of internationalization strategy and project sharing of construction enterprises. Based on the analysis of the project sharing concept, this article puts forward the evolutionary logic of internationalization strategy of Chinese construction enterprises in four stages, and analyzes the strategic logic of “winning” internationalization of construction enterprises based on the concept of project sharing. The research results provide new ideas and methods for Chinese construction enterprises to carry out international project cooperation and formulate international strategy, which has important theoretical and practical value.

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