20.10.22 10:41:29
The Interim Reporting Session of the Research Project for a Survey to Develop Policy for the Next-Generation of Overseas Korean

The interim reporting session of the research project for a survey to develop policy for the next-generation of overseas Korean that Inha Center for International Studies has conducted was held at the Overseas Koreans Foundation's Seoul Office on October 21, 2020 (Wednesday, 10:00-11:30 am).

This project has been carried out for the purpose of understanding the current situations of the next-generation overseas Korean organizations in the United States and Japan and the alienated next-generation Koreans, and utilizing them in the establishment of the next-generation overseas Korean policy and the foundation’s project.

Director Jinyoung Lee and Dr. Mihwa Park (Inha Center for International Studies), Professor Woonggi Kim (Hallym University), Professor Seungbin Ha (Kobe University), and Professor Seungeun Lee (the University of Massachusetts) attended.

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다음글 Pacific Focus earned the Fund of 2020 Academic Journal Support Project from Korean Research Foundation.
이전글 The Joint academic conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Bongo-dong and Cheongsan-ri