23.03.13 16:40:02
인하대 국제관계연구소 - 하와이대학교 한국학 연구소 학술대회 공동개최 (Joint Acdemic Conference with the Center for Korean Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa)
정의, 정체성의 정치, 그리고 공공외교


지난 2 23일 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 K학술확산연구센터는 하와이대학교 한국학 연구소와 함께 하와이대학교 마노아 캠퍼스에서 '정의, 정체성의 정치, 그리고 공공외교'라는 주제로 국제학술대회를 공동 개최했다.
K학술확산연구센터와 하와이대학교 한국학연구소가 공동 주최하고 한국학중앙연구원 후원으로 개최된 이번 국제학술대회는 해외거주 재외동포는 물론 국내취업활동을 이어가고 있는 외국국적동포와 외국인 노동자들의 사회통합을 위한 노력과 방법 그리고 이를 공공외교적 측면으로 확장하기 위한 한-미 한국학자들간의 심도있는 논의를 위해 마련되었다.
학술대회는 서울대학교 법학전문대학원 한인섭 교수의 기조발표(Criminal Justice Prosecution, and Human Rights in South Korea: Forward-backward Dynamics)를 시작으로, 백태웅 하와이대 한국학 연구소장과 이진영 인하대 국제관계연구소장이 공동 사회를 맡고 총 2개 세션에 걸쳐 주제발표와 토론이 진행되었다.
첫 번째 세션은 ‘Immigration, Migration, and Social Integration’이란 주제 아래 연세대학교 고상두 교수가 ‘Social integration of foreign immigrants in the South Korean local community’, 배재대학교 이혜경 교수가 ‘Current Status and Issues of Migrant Worker Programs in South Korean Agriculture’, 그리고 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 박미화, 나동규 연구원이 ‘Migrants, sport and physical activity, and social barriers in South Korea during COVID-19’에 대해 발표했다. 각 발표별 토론자로는 하와이대 동아시아어문학과 데이비드 크로리코스키 교수, 아시아학과 박영아 교수, 커뮤니케이션학과 이혜련 교수가 참여하였다.
두 번째 세션에서는 ‘Korea and Identity Politics’이란 주제 아래 인하대학교 성동기 교수가 ‘Analysis of the improvement direction of Hangeul education for Koreans with foreign nationality residing in Korea’, 중앙대학교 양민아 교수가 ‘Presenting Soviet Korean Identity in Multicultural Society: Activities of Ensemble “CheongChun” in Uzbekistan during 1970-80s’, 그리고 인하대 이석우 교수가 ‘Dynamic Democracy, Political Transitions, and the Problem of using International Law in Korea’ 에 대해 발표했다. 각 발표별 토론자로 하와이대 한국어학과 김메리 교수, 역사학과 김지형 교수, Young Law Group LLLC의 이재영 대표변호사가 참여하여 고려인의 역사와 한인이주와 관련한 국제법에 관한 심도있는 논의가 진행되었다.
인하대 국제관계연구소 이진영 소장은 하와이 한인 이주 120주년을 맞아 하와이 현지에서 인하대 국제관계연구소와 하와이 한국학연구소가 공동으로 학술대회를 개최하게 된 점을 굉장히 뜻 깊게 생각하며, 이번 학술대회를 통해 한국학 진흥사업을 수행하는 두 연구소가 장기적으로 협력하고 교류할 수 있는 계기가 되었으면 한다며 국제학술대회의 의의를 설명했다. 

On February 23, 2023, the Inha K-Academic Diffusion Research Center successfully held a joint conference with the Center for Korean Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, particular to the topic of 'Justice, Identity Politics, and Public Diplomacy'.


This international conference, co-hosted by the Inha K-Academic Diffusion Research Center and the Center for Korean Studies at UHM , and sponsored by the Academy of Korean Studies, was organized to facilitate in-depth discussions between Korean and Korean-Americal Scholars on the ways in which overseas Korean both in Korea and abroad and foreign workers are fully engaged and integrated in the society they belong. The conference also aims to connect these issues to the field of public diplomacy.


The conference started with a keynote speech by Professor Han, In Sup (Seoul National University School of Law), titled “Criminal Justice Prosecution, and Human Rights in South Korea: Forward-backward Dynamics.” Following this, there were two sessions of presentations and discussions, co-chaired by Tae-Ung Baik, Director of the Center for Korean Studies at UHM, and Jean-Young Lee, Director of the Center for International Studies at Inha University.


Under the theme of “Immigration, Migration, and Social Integratio,” the first session started with Professor Sangtu Ko’s (Yonsei University) presentation about “Social integration of foreign immigrants in the South Korean local community,” followed by Professor Hye-Kyung Lee’s (Pai Chai University) “Current Status and Issues of Migrant Worker Programs in South Korean Agriculture.” Lastly, Dr. Mihwa Park and Dr. Dongkyu Na (Inha University) addressed “Migrants, sport and physical activity, and social barriers in South Korea during COVID-19”. Panel discussion was led by Professor David Krolikoski (EALL,UHM), Professor Young-a Park (Asian Studies, UHM), and Professor Hye-ryeon Lee (Communicology, UHM).


Moving forward with the theme of "Korea and Identity Politics" for the second session, Professor Dongki Sung (Inha University) talked about an “Analysis of the improvement direction of Hangeul education for Koreans with foreign nationality residing in Korea,” While Professor Mina Yang (Chung-Ang University) illustrated “Presenting Soviet Korean Identity in Multicultural Society: Activities of Ensemble ‘CheongChun’ in Uzbekistan during 1970-80s,” Professor Seokwoo Lee (Inha University) wrap up the final presentation of the session by arguing “Dynamic Democracy, Political Transitions, and the Problem of using International Law in Korea.“ Following that, Professor Mary Kim (EALL,UHM), Professor Cheehyeong Kim (History, UHM), and Attorney Jaeyoung Lee from Young Law Group LLLC were actively involved in the discussion with thought-provoking questions and valuable comments to develop the aforemetioned research projects.


Director Lee underlined the significance of the international academic conference, saying that "On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of Korean immigration to Hawaii, I am deeply grateful that the Inha K-Academic Diffusion Research Center and the Center for Korean Studies at UHM jointly organized the international conference. I hope that today’s event would be a momentum to have the two centers develop a long-term relationship with more exchanges."


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