20.03.11 16:48:29
Recommendations for preventing COVID-19

■ This is preventative measures to protect Inha students from COVID-19.

Please, follow the recommendations in order to prevent infection.

Recommendations for students

Recommendations to preventing infection

enhancing personal hygiene (wearing a mask, hand washing)

Social distancing Avoid group activities


Student who has symptoms must take self-quarantine after reporting to the Inha

Health Center

Student who is under self-quarantine must follow the recommendations for


Keep a distance of more than 2 meters when talking to people

Recommendations for using the restaurant

- Use sanitizers and wash your hands before meals

- Avoid conversation at mealtime

- Sit apart one by one

Recommendations for using the toilet (coronavirus may spread through feces)

- Open the toilet door when not in use for ventilation

- Do not touch toilet door with finger

Recommendations for using the elevator

- Vulnerable to infection due to difficult ventilation

- Use stairs to the 5th floor

- Must wear a mask and avoid conversation when using elevator

Recommendations for classes

- Must wear a mask

- Sit apart one by one and keep a distance of more than a meter

Student Activities

- Avoid group activities until COVID-19 is settled down

Recommendations for using the shuttle bus

- Must wear a mask and use sanitizers

- Sit away from other people



If you have any symptoms please contact Inha Health Center(032-860-8311~8312), Public Health Center(032-880-5311) and KCDC call center(1339)

*Suspect cases of COVID-19 : Fever(over 37.5), Respiratory symptoms(cough, sore throat, etc.), Pneumonia, Diarrhea, etc.

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