20.09.03 14:55:54
Vol 35-1 (April 2020):China's Charm Defensive: Image Protection by Acquiring Mass Entertainment(Nilgün Eliküçük Yıldırım&Mesut Aslan)


Focusing on discussion of China's soft power resources, this article argues that China performs two kinds of soft power strategies in developing and developed countries: offensive and defensive, respectively. While China's charm offensive aims to consolidate her comprehensive power through a development model, aid, investment, traditional culture, foreign policy, and international broadcasting in developing countries, the defensive aspect of China's soft power strategy aims to soften the rise of China with traditional culture by introducing appealing parts of Chinese culture through investments and international broadcasting in Western countries. China applies classical soft power tools in developing countries while she endeavors to protect her image in Western countries defensively. China's alternative defensive approach to soft power is mostly implemented through the acquisition of media outlets, and via the entertainment sector and gaming industry by Chinese‐owned companies. However, even in the defensive and offensive bifurcation, if charm attacks result in failure, China could turn take a defensive stance in developing countries.

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