20.03.17 10:12:51
[2020-1]Notice on changed method of online classes

Notice on changed method of online classes


We would like to sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the I-Class system failure and inform students of instructions for changed method of online classes.






Online Classes

• Post a YouTube URL on I-Class

• Attendance is accepted only if you submit an assignment at assigned class time

• Send a online class URL through SNS (Kakaotalk- open chat, Naver-band) of each class

• Interact such as Q&A, etc. through SNS during the class

• Attendance(assignment deadline, etc.) is determined by the professor

Remote Classes

• Conducted by I-Class

• Send a remote class URL through SNS of each class

※ For the classes on March 16th, that were not conducted due to a system error, we will provide additional information for each class soon.


If the course SNS has not been opened, please fill out a complaint in [자유게시판]-[민원신청](Inha official website) and we will take prompt action.

For further information, please refer to the attached file.


○ In order to participate the course SNS, please make sure your contact number and email address are correct.(Check : Inha Portal → Enrollment Services)

첨부파일 첨부파일 (파일 명이 길 경우 브라우저 특성상 파일명이 잘릴 수 있습니다.)

Notice on changed method of online classes.pdf

How to fill out a comlaint.pdf

다음글 2020학년도 2학기 국제교류학생 선발 일정 변경 안내
이전글 [2020-1]재택수업방법 변경안내