21.09.06 10:29:38
[COVID-19] Social Distancing Level 4 extended until Oct 3rd, 2021

* Update : Level 4 distancing extended untile Oct. 3rd for the capital area including Incheon 

□ Social distancing : Level 4

□ Effective period :   Until Oct. 3rd, 2021

□ Restrictions on private gathering :

 ○ Basic guidelines 

   ⦁ 4-person cap until 6pm - not allowed to have a private gathering joined by five people or more

   ⦁ 2-person cap after 6pm - not allowed to have a private gathering joined by three people or more

  ○ Vaccination Incentive

    ⦁ Up to six people can gather if the party includes people who are vaccinated.

     - Details

      * Until 6 pm : six people can gather when the party includes 2 or more vaccinated people.

      * After 6 pm : six people can gather when the party includes 4 or more vaccinated people.

On-campus events, gatherings, etc : Prohibited


Guidelines for using campus facilities

Jungseok library

 ⦁ Information center : Borrowing & returns available, only one seat available per table

 ⦁ Reading rooms : Room 1 and 3 are open. Room 2 is closed.

 ⦁ Jungseok lounge/Multi-media center : open for use

 ⦁ study rooms : Closed

  ※ Details will be posted on the Jungseok library website at https://lib.inha.ac.kr/kor.

- Student dormitory : Minimum public facilities will be open for use(announcements to be made by the dormitory office.

- College facilities(lounges) : open up to maximum 30% capacity, No eating in the facilites

- Public lounges(Wolcheon and Hana bank) : open up to maximum 30% capacity, No eating in the facilites

- On-campus cafe(Grazie and Blue Pot, etc.) : 1 meter distance between tables/Up to 4 persons

- Student facilities(student council rooms and club rooms, etc.) Closed

In and outdoor sports facilities Closed


Entrance control : Only one or two doors per building are open for passage. Please touch the sensor tag with your student ID card to open the door. Fever screening system detects a high temperature at the entrance.


Other facilities : Classrooms and practice rooms are not open for reservation.


Personal Hygiene Practices

- wash your hands often with soap and water. This includes before and after eating and after going to the toilet

- use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when you can’t use soap and water

- avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

- clean and disinfect surfaces you use often such as bench tops, desks and doorknobs

- clean and disinfect objects you use often such as mobile phones, keys, wallets and work passes

- increase the amount of fresh air by opening windows or changing air conditioning

- avoid close contact with people unwell with cold or flu-like symptoms

- stay home if you are feeling sick, and avoid any contacts with others. Seek appropriate medical guidance(☏1339 or 032-880-5403)

수도권 사회적 거리두기 4단계 연장(2021.9.6~10.3)에 따른 교내 행사, 다중이용시설 사용 등의 지침을

안내하오니 교직원 여러분들의 적극적인 협를 부탁드립니다.


1. 모임

  - 18시 이전 4인, 18시 이상 2인까지 가능

  - 4단계지역에서는 백신접종 완료자(2차) 포함 6인까지 가능

  - 3단계 이하 지역에서는 백신접종 완료자를 포함 8인까지 가능

  - 추석연휴(9.17~~9.23) 가정 내 가족모임은 최대 8인까지 가능(예방접종 미완료자 4명까지 가능)


2. 교내행사 관련

  - 비대면 행사로 진행(7.12 ~ 10.3 기간동안 허가된 행사는 비대면으로 전환 또는 연기 권고) 


3. 직원 복무

  - 필수인원 외 재택근무 시행 (부서장 재량하에 재택근무/ 연차휴가 사용 권장)


4. 다중이용시설 지침


   1) 정석학술정보관: 이용인원 및 이용시간 제한적 운영

      - 주제정보실 및 일부열람실 이용 가능

      - 라운지 및 스터디룸 제한적 이용 가능

      - 세부 사항은 정석학술정보관 홈페이지 참


   2) 단과대학라운지 / 공용라운지

      - 방역수칙 철저히 준수 하에 수용인원의 30% 이내 허용 (음식물 섭취 금지)


   3) 식당: 식사 중 대화금지, 부서별 1/2씩 교대로 식사(11:30~12:30 / 12:30~13:30)


   4) 교내카페: 테이블간 1m 거리두기(4인까지)


   5) 실내/실외 체육시설: 운영 중지(시설폐쇄)


   6) 생활관: 공용시설 최소 운영(세부사항 생활관 별도 안내)


첨부파일 첨부파일이(가) 없습니다.
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