Science and technology policy of Kim Jong-un's regime in North Korea is more strategic and aggressive than ever before. Under the tight economic sanctions led by the United States and its partners, the young leader makes a desperate effort to boost science and technology (S&T) for maintaining North Korea's political stability and achieving economic development. Despite growing concerns over nuclear and security issues, studies addressing the alternative futures of North Korea are mainly focused on the economy, nuclear weapons, and stability of the regime. This study explores various alternative futures for North Korea's S&T policy, which are different from the viewpoints of most existing studies. To envision and propose alternative futures for North Korea's S&T policy in 2050, we try to link uncertainty levels and types of futures based on Voros' future types and utilize Dator's alternative future model. Based on alternative futures, this study suggests a new perspective to better understand the plausible futures of S&T policies and strategies for a preferable future of the country.
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