Submission Guidelines 제출요강

Pacific Focus invites the submission of original manuscripts dealing with the political and security matters of the Asia Pacific region and its countries.   Pacific Focus   is a peer reviewed journal published three times a year (April 30th, August 31st & December 31st) by the Center for International Studies, Inha University, Korea and the Wiley Publishing, USA, Submitted manuscripts should be original pieces of work that have not been published in other places or not currently on offer to another publisher.


Pacific Focus is the official journal of the Center for International Studies, Inha University, Korea, and publishes original papers covering security, political economy, regionalism, environment, migration, civil society, and multiculturalism in the Asia-Pacific region, such as East, Central, and South Asia regions, Middle East, Oceania,   and Russia.     


If a manuscript is supported by research funds, a author of the manuscript has to pay $500 publication fee to Inha Center for International Studies when the manuscript is published.  



The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to our readership. Except where otherwise stated, manuscripts are peer reviewed by two anonymous reviewers and the Editor. Final acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Board, who reserves the right to refuse any material for publication. Submitted manuscripts should be original pieces of work that have not been published in other places or not currently on offer to an other publisher. Manuscripts should be written so that they are intelligible to the professional reader who is not a specialist in the particular field. They should be written in a clear, concise, direct style. Where contributions are judged as acceptable for publication on the basis of content, the Editor and the Publisher reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetition and improve communication between author and reader. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.



Manuscripts should be submitted through  Scholar One Manuscripts by creating an account. 

Scholar One Manuscripts :


Spelling.  The Journal uses US spelling and authors should therefore follow the latest edition of the Merriam–Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.

Abbreviations.  In general, terms should not be abbreviated unless they are used repeatedly and the abbreviation is helpful to the reader. Initially use the word in full, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter use the abbreviation only.

Figures.  The Journal does not accept color figures. Figures should be submitted in black and white only.



Submitted manuscripts should  not exceed 40 pages   (or approximately   8,000-12,000 words ) including footnotes. They must be typewritten,   double-spaced ,with   12 point font   and in a Microsoft Word file.    The style of the text and footnotes must conform to   The Chicago Manual of Style   with   the Notes-Bibliography (NB) System and footnote (not the Author-Date System and endnote)   (see the Chicago Manual of Style : General Format - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University).Also include in your submission an author’s bio data (less than 100 words), anabstract (150–250 words), keywords (5–10 words), and bibliographic references(less than 4 pages).

Sample Format of Manuscript 

Footnotes and Bibliographic References Submissions should be prepared to adhere to the following reference format conventions:





Kenneth Boulding, Conflict and Defense(New York: Harper, 1962), pp. 11–25.

Ralph Cossa, ed., U.S.-Korea-JapanRelations: Building Toward a “Virtual Alliance” (Washington, D.C., Center forStrategic and International Studies, 1999).

Ph.D. Dissertation

Kevin Scott Wong, “Encountering the Other:Chinese Immigration and Its Impact on Chinese and American Worldviews,1875–1905,” (Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1992).

Journal Articles

Robert D. Kaplan, “Center Stage for theTwenty-first Century,” Foreign Affairs, 88-2 (March/April 2009), pp. 16–32. 

Chapter in a Book

Chang-hee Nam, Yasuyo Sakata, and RobertDujarric, “Restructuring U.S. Alliances in Northeast Asia and Prospects forU.S.-Japan-ROK Security Cooperation,” in Hyung-Kook Kim, ed., Northeast Asiaand the Two Koreas (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2008), pp. 107–163.

Conference Papers

Fumio Tanimura, “Chosensenso ni okerutaikiraisen” [Japan‟sMinesweeping Operations during the KoreanWar], paper presented at the Korea–Japaninternational seminar hosted by the ROK Institute of Military HistoryCompilation in Seoul on 24 October 2002. 

Newspaper Articles

Shengli Wu, “Make Concerted Efforts toJointly Build Harmonious Ocean,” Renmin Haijun [People‟s Navy] (22 April2009), p. 1.

Internet source citation

Finn, Peter, “Cyber Assaults on EstoniaTypify a New Battle Tactic,” Washington Post (19 May 2007), at<>(searched date: 8 September 2009).  

James R. Holmes, “ „Soft Power‟ at Sea: Zheng Heand China‟sMaritime Diplomacy,” Southeast Review of Asian Studies, 28 (2006), at<> (searcheddate: 5 February 2010). 

Second mention where notes are consecutive

Ibid., pp. 25-38.

Second mention where notes are not consecutive

James A. Caporaso, op. cit., pp. 130-135.


Table or figure The source should becited. Citation style is the same as the footnote style. Each table or figureshould have individual numbering. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, Surveyof Current Business, 61 (August 1981), p. 47.


Bibliographic References


Boulding, Kenneth, Conflict and Defense(New York: Harper, 1962), pp. 11-25.

Cossa, Ralph, ed., U.S.-Korea-JapanRelations: Building Toward a “Virtual Alliance” (Washington, D.C.: Center forStrategic and International Studies, 1999).

Ph.D. Dissertation

Wong, Young-tsu, “Remolders of Tradition:Reformist Thought in Nineteenth Century China,” (Ph.D. Dissertation, Universityof Washington, 1971).

Journal Articles 

Kaplan, Robert D., “Center Stage for theTwenty-first Century,” Foreign Affairs, 88-2 (March/April 2009), pp. 16–32. 

Chapter in a Book

Nam, Chang-hee, Yasuyo Sakata, and RobertDujarric, “Restructuring U.S. Alliances in Northeast Asia and Prospects forU.S.-Japan-ROK Security Cooperation,” in Hyung-Kook Kim, ed., Northeast Asiaand the Two Koreas (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2008), pp. 107–163.

Conference Papers

Tanimura, Fumio, “Chosensenso ni okerutaikiraisen” [Japan‟sMinesweeping Operations during the Korean War], paper presented at the Korea–Japaninternational seminar hosted by the ROK Institute of Military HistoryCompilation in Seoul on 24 October 2002.

Newspaper Articles

Wu, Shengli. “Make Concerted Efforts toJointly Build Harmonious Ocean,” Renmin Haijun [People‟s Navy] (22 April2009), p. 1.

Internet source citation

Finn, Peter, “Cyber Assaults on EstoniaTypify a New Battle Tactic,” Washington Post (19 May 2007), at<**%0518%^0*2122.html>(searched date: 8 September 2009).  

Holmes, James R., “„Soft Power‟ at Sea: Zheng Heand China‟sMaritime Diplomacy,”Southeast Review of Asian Studies, 28 (2006) at<> (searcheddate: 5 February 2010).


PROOFS  It is essential that corresponding authors supply an email address to which correspondence can be emailed while their article is in production.Notification of the URL from where to download a Portable Document Format (PDF)typeset page proof, associated forms and further instructions will be sent by email to the corresponding author. The purpose of the PDF proof is a final check of the layout, and of tables and figures. Alterations other than the essential correction of errors are unacceptable at PDF proof stage. The proof should be checked, and approval to publish the article should be emailed to the Publisher by the date indicated, otherwise, it may be approved unilaterally by the Editor or held over to the next issue.


OFFPRINTS  A free PDF offprint will be supplied to the corresponding author after the issue has been published. A minimum of 50 offprints will be provided upon request, at the author‟s expense. These paper offprints may be ordered online.Please visit, fill in the necessary detail sand ensure that you type information in all of the required fields. If you have queries about offprints please email


WILEY-BLACKWELL JOURNALS ONLINE   Visit the Pacific Focus home page at more information, and Wiley-Blackwell‟s web pages for submission guide lines at bauthor/journal.asp. Pacific Focus is also available online at

Author material archive policy Authors who require the return of any submitted material that is accepted for publication should inform the Editorial Office after acceptance. If no indication is given that author material should be returned, Wiley-Blackwell will dispose of all electronic material two months after publication.



Authors publishing in the Journal will be asked to sign a Copyright Assignment Form. In signing the form it is assumed that authors have obtained permission to use any copyrighted or previously published material. All authors must read and agree to the conditions outlined in the form, and must sign the form or agree that the corresponding author can sign on their behalf. Articles cannot be published until a signed form has been received. Authors can download the form from


The AuthorName Change Policy :   In cases where authors wish to change their name followingpublication, Wiley will update and republish the paper and redeliver theupdated metadata to indexing services. Our editorial and production teams willuse discretion in recognizing that name changes may be of a sensitive andprivate nature for various reasons including (but not limited to) alignmentwith gender identity, or as a result of marriage, divorce, or religiousconversion. Accordingly, to protect the author's privacy, we will not publish acorrection notice to the paper, and we will not notify co-authors of thechange. Authors should contact the journal’s Editorial Office with their namechange request.

Change of an Article’s Author List (ie. toadd/remove authors) :   In accordance with   Wiley’s BestPractice Guidelines on Research Integrity and Publishing Ethics  and the  Committee on Publication Ethics’guidance , this journal will allow authors to correct authorship on asubmitted, accepted, or published article if a valid reason exists to do so.All authors – including those to be added or removed – must agree to anyproposed change. To request a change to the author list, please complete the  Request for Changes to a Journal ArticleAuthor List Form  and contact either the journal’s editorial orproduction office, depending on the status of the article. Authorship changeswill not be considered without a fully completed Author Change form.[Correcting the authorship is different from changing an author’s name; therelevant policy for that can be found in  Wiley’s Best Practice Guidelines  under “Author name changes afterpublication.”]


The  PACIFICFOCUS   and the Inha Center for International Studies are committed todiversity, equity and inclusion. We seek to work with scholars from a range ofinstitutional affiliations, nationalities, and career stages. The APJHReditorial team recognises and encourage submissions from scholars from groupswho are under-represented in research including women, people of colour, andsocially disadvantaged populations. We are committed to increasing diversityand inclusion in research and publishing from applicants of all ethnicities, races,religions, sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities, national origins,disabilities, ages, or other individual status.

Questions related to the submission of a manuscript should be sent to Inha Center for International Studies by email at


Pacific Focus는 아시아-태평양 지역과 그 나라들의 정치경제와 안보문제를 있게 다룬 논문을 공모합니다.
Pacific Focus는 인하대학교 국제관계연구서와 미국의 Wiley Publishing과 더불어 1년에 3번씩 (4월, 8월, 그리고 12월) 출판되는 정기 간행물입니다.

Pacific Focus가 다루는 주제는 매우 다양합니다. 아시아 태평양 지역 (동, 중, 남아시아, 중동, 오세아니아와 러시아)의 안보, 정치경제, 지역주의, 환경, 이민, 시민사회와 다문화등의 주제를 다룹니다. 

제출된 논문은 다른 곳에서 실린 적이 없어야 하고 현재 다른 출판사 하고도 진행 중이지 않은 새로운 논문이어야 합니다.

원고가 연구지원금의 지원을 받아 작성된 경우, 원고가 Pacific Focus에 발행될 때 게재료 $500를 지불하여야 합니다.  
제출된 논문은 각주 및 참고문헌을 포함하여 40페이지 (약 8,000-12,000단어)를 초과하여서는 안됩니다.
또한 Microsoft Word 파일로 입력되어, 글자크기 12의 줄 간격은 한 줄 띄어쓰기를 원칙으로 합니다. 본문과 각주의 스타일은 반드시 The Chicago Manual of Style의 the Notes-Bibliography (NB) System을 준수하여야 합니다. The Author-Date System와 미주를 포함한 원고는 투고 받지 않습니다. 

The Chicago Manual of Style을 참고 하십시오:General Format - Purdue OWL® - Purdue University

Bio (100자 내외), 본문의 Abstract(150-250자), Keywords(5-10 단어), 그리고 References(4페이지 이내)를 준수하여 주시기 바랍니다. 도표나 그림들의 색은 흑백이어야 합니다.

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다양성, 형평성및 포용 정책

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논문 제출과 관련된 질문은 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 이메일이나 편집장인 이진영 소장 앞으로 보내 주시기 바랍니다. 
※ 논문보내실 곳

논문은 온라인 제출을 원칙으로 합니다.

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"Submission Guidelines" 컨텐츠 준비중 입니다.