Objectives and Goals

연구소 설립목적 (Objective)

국제관계연구소는 국제관계의 제반 문제에 관한 기초 및 응용 연구를 조화롭게 수행함으로써, 학술연구의 국내외 발전에 기여함을 목적으로 1985년 3월 1일자로 설립되었으며, 구체적으로

  1. 국제관계 제문제에 대한 학술연구 및 정책연구
  2. 각종 학술도서 및 연구결과 보고서, 정기간행물 및 수시 연구물의 간행을 비롯한 편찬 출판사업
  3. 학술연구발표 및 토론회, 학술회의, 학술연구 워크숍 및 공개 강연회의 개최
  4. 해외연수 및 국제 협력사업의 수행 등 다양한 연구활동 사업을 수행함으로써

인하대학교의 학문적 탁월성과 국제적 공공성을 제고하는 연구 및 사회봉사기능을 다하여 왔습니다.

The Center for International Studies (CIS) was established on March 1st, 1985 as an educational and research center of Inha University in the field of international relations.

The primary objectives of the CIS are :

To enhance academic excellence and international competence of Inha University by providing an instructional framework for international research as well as conducting extensive research of current international issues.

To offer the Inha academic community opportunities to increase international adaptiveness to current international events.

To contribute to regional development by serving as a research and practical link between the regional community and world society through the contribution of research results, overseas training, and other academic industrial cooperative ventures.


인하대학교 국제관계 연구소는 1985년 설립 이후꾸준히 국내외 학술 연구기관과 협력하면서 정기적으로 PacificFocusPacific CenturyPacificDynamicsTrade and Investment in Services US Commerce Research 등의 연구업적을 발표하여 왔습니다. 1986년부터 출판되어 온 영어 저널인 Pacific Focus는 34권 1호까지 발행되었으며한국연구재단의 등재지로 등록 되었습니다Pacific Focus는 25명의 국내외 편집위원들의꾸준한 노력의 성과물이고 750여개 국내외 대학교와 500여개연구소로 배포되어 왔습니다현재 Pacific Focus는 국제수준 학술지(SSCI  SCOPUS)에 등재된 전문학술지입니다

Since it's establishment in 1985 the CIS has regularly research results and have been cooperative and open with our findings by distributing them to the national and international academic community. Pacific Focus, Pacific Century, Pacific Dynamics, Trade and Investment in Services and US Commerce Research are some of our representable works. Especially our English-language journal Pacific Focus has published it's 33th volume since it's start in 1986 and not only has it been recognized as one of the forerunners of Korean Social Science Journals but has been chosen as a registration by the Korean Research Foundation. Pacific Focus is a product of 25 international and national scholars who are our editors and is distributed to 750 national universities and 500 overseas research institutes. Presently, Pacific Focus is indexed and abstracted in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and SCOPUS.

Institute Long-term Goals

인하대학교 국제관계연구소는 대학부속 연구소로 만족하지 않고 동아시아 정세와 안보에 전문성을 가진 세계수준의 연구기관을 목표로 하고 있습니다

The CIS is more than just an institute in inha University, but a representing University Auxiliary Institute and is now in it's second stage thrives to become a world class research institute. Our Institute is aiming as an important specialized research institute based on our research capabilities and our active research in the Northeast Asian affairs and the peace structure research in Northeast Asia.

"Objectives and Goals" 컨텐츠 준비중 입니다.